

的 SdRC provides 服务 for students with disabilities through customized 服务 including a network of private vendors and providers. 的 SdRC program ensures that 基督教社会联盟DH’s students with disabilities receive the 服务 and support their need to lead self‐determined and valued education in the 基督教社会联盟DH campus community. SdRC achieves this through the delivery of outreach and coordination 服务 with; faculty members, 部门的政府, 校园教育住房和住宿, campus support 服务; and the operation of comprehensive quality 服务 by the SdRC’s advisors, 工作人员, 和管理程序.



所有的人,不管有没有残疾,都想掌控自己的生活. 在基督教社会联盟DH,我们有一项服务使残疾学生能够做到这一点. 我们称之为 残疾管理建议. 使用这项服务的学生有机会探索增加独立性, 加强与教师的沟通, 根据功能限制来评估职业选择. In addition to individual advising, 办公室 provides training for SdRC assistive technology. 课程内容包括时间管理和有效学习习惯等.


大学课程考试可以通过SdRC办公室进行管理(监考), with the instructor's instructions; When requesting alternative testing, 必须遵循的具体程序:

  1. Arrangements must be made at the SdRC office a minimum of five (5) or more business days in advance via the SdRC在线门户. 请参阅我们的 如何安排替代测试YouTube视频
  2. 您将准时到达SdRC考试地点,准备参加考试.
  3. 你的考试时间从你安排的开始时间算起, 不管你什么时候开始.
  4. 监考人员最多将在30分钟内到达考场. 如果您未能按时赴约或提前通知SdRC, 你必须和你的指导老师安排在晚些时候参加考试.
  5. If an emergency should arise which causes you to miss the scheduled meeting -- you MUST 联系 the SdRC office at the earliest possible time.

以上说明是SdRC办公室的政策. 的se instructions are designed to allow for the provision of needed test alternatives in an effective, 高效的方式. It is your responsibility to follow the procedures to receive 服务 through the SdRC office.


残疾人停车 is available to the driver of a vehicle displaying a DMV issued disabled person's license plate or parking placard.

在残疾人停车位停车需要贴花. 在残疾人停车位停车,没有适当的贴花将导致停车罚单.


请注意,从2019年秋季开始,有一个新的获得停车费用减免的流程. 详情请参阅下文.

的 campus parking fee may be waived for students who have both demonstrated financial need and a hold a valid disabled person parking placard or plates issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Waivers are for students with permanent disabilities, temporary CA DMV Placards will not be accepted. 每学期必须申请豁免. 提供了详细的说明 申请豁免校园泊车费表格,请填写表格,并按照指示领取停车费用减免.



Priority registration enables students to be in the first group of students to finalize registration.


SdRC为符合条件的学生提供各种辅助技术. 以下是可用的: 

  • 大白鲨
  • 库兹韦尔3000
  • 龙的自然语言
  • Live Scribe 3智能笔
  • 数字录音机
  • ZoomText
  • 维克多读者
  • PEARL阅读器

的 Accessible Information Trainer will assistance registered students with obtaining purchased textbooks in alternative format. 请与SdRC联系 无障碍信息培训师,电话:(310)243-3660或 sdrc@sportshsc.com 了解更多信息.


SdRC要求所有需要记笔记的学生首先从教室中寻找志愿者.  如果学生符合适当的标准,SdRC将提供NCR-Dual笔记纸. 如果不成功,请跟进 残疾管理顾问 如需进一步协助.


的 SdRC will provide time management training on a one-to-one basis if requested by the student.


注册的SdRC学生可以申请手语翻译. 所有需要口译员的请求必须尽快提出. 请按照在办公室注册时约定的政策办理. 


A 基督教社会联盟DH student can inquire with our office regarding assessed by our Learning Disability Specialist. 将需要完成 SdRC应用程序 透过 SdRC在线门户 完成 学习障碍摄入问卷.  

要获取有关这些服务的更多信息,请访问 联系 办公室.


在学生的要求下 SdRC在线门户,发改委将派出 住宿通知书 给你的教授, 介绍你,并通知教授他们班招收了一名SdRC学生. 一个全面的电子邮件将发送通知教授住宿的细节.

如果您希望SdRC将这些信息发送给您的教授, 您有必要在所需的协议上签署电子签名,并要求您的住宿 SdRC在线门户.

参考的 SdRC在线门户资源 正规澳门平台十大赌博如何使用门户的培训页面.


残疾学生资源中心(SdRC) 承认由于学生的残疾性质, 学生可以寻求课程修改作为学术调整. 学院强烈建议学生尽早通知学院. 如果你正在经历与残疾有关的问题,这将阻止你, 例如, 根据课程截止日期完成作业或课程要求, 你应该马上联系发改委. 学生有责任向SdRC提出申请 作为学术调整的课程修改,以便SdRC处理该请求的程序得以进行. If a student makes a request for 作为学术调整的课程修改 to an instructor, 导师将告知学生与SdRC办公室联系的义务.


的 SdRC will review student requests for course modifications as a request for an 学术上的调整, 当学生要求延长作业的截止日期时, SdRC将在收到请求后的两(2)个工作日内对请求进行审查. All requests are reviewed on a case–by-case basis and are provided adequate and thorough consideration by the SdRC team of 残疾管理顾问s. Upon completion of the SdRC team review, a recommendation will be submitted to the SdRC Director. 的 SdRC Director will review the recommendation of the SdRC team of 残疾管理顾问s and will notify the student at the end of the two-day review period of the outcome of their request for a course modification, 学术上的调整, 或者延长课程作业的截止日期.


如果SdRC拒绝了您的请求, an appointment will be scheduled for you to meet with the SdRC Director for a review of your request. If you are not in agreement with the decision of the SdRC Director after your scheduled meeting, 你将会被要求安排一个与南加州大学学生事务主任的会面作为申诉.


基督教社会联盟DH 大学的宿舍 and the 残疾学生资源中心(SdRC) collaborate to provide verified disabled students with housing accommodations. 要考虑这些住宿,请查看程序 卫生署房屋及住宿网页.


如果您对本手册中包含的任何信息或程序有任何疑问, 请与SdRC工作人员预约. 联系SdRC.


的 加州州立大学 (基督教社会联盟) Policy for Provisions of Accommodations and Support 服务 to Students with Disabilities prohibits unlawful discrimination against students on the basis of disability in 基督教社会联盟 Programs, 服务, 与活动相适应, 但不限于, the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA); Sections 504 and 508 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; and applicable California state laws. 的 基督教社会联盟 Policy is consistent with current applicable federal and state laws concerning the non-discrimination of students on the basis of disability.

加州州立大学,多明格斯山致力于提供一个包容的环境, 哪一所学校能满足所有学生的需求. 为了确保这种包容, appropriate accommodations are provided to students and prospective students who have self-identified with verified disabilities and who require these accommodations in order to afford the students equal opportunity to obtain the same result, 获得同样的好处, or to reach the same level of achievement as that provided to others in the university’s programs, 服务, 或者学生在其他方面有资格参加的活动. Accommodations will not be provided if they fundamentally alter or impact the nature of the program, 或者不恰当地阻碍他人使用. If, 这是大学和学生之间互动过程的结果, 大学拒绝特定的住宿要求, the University will take any other actions that would not result in a fundamental alteration/undue burden to ensure to the maximum extent possible the student receives University benefits or 服务. 的 University’s goal is to provide an equivalent academic experience and learning opportunity, 不能保证学生的教育或事业的成功.

这些调整可能包括建筑访问更改, 近距离停车或教室座椅, 图书馆的援助, 口译员, 延长考试时间和/或替代考试形式, 辅助艾滋病, 以及学术调整, 课程修改或其他必要的个人需要的调整. Please click on the issues below that interest you 了解更多信息 and schedule an appointment to meet with a 残疾管理顾问 to discuss your specific requests for 学术上的调整s, 修改和所有合理的安排. All requests will be given adequate and thorough consideration by the SdRC team of 残疾管理顾问s.